
Chewy is a lovable little guy who has adjusted well to our home. He's doing well with his potty training and commands and will do just about anything for a little treat and praise. He's very good with our young grandchildren and other pets. Chewy has bonded with our other dog, Sweet Pea, and they are quite the twosome. Where there is one, there is another.

Tomorrow Chewy goes to see the vet for his second visit, where we expect to hear that he's just perfect.

As for his name, we took nearly two weeks to decide. Finally we had a contest on Facebook with our family and friends. The choices were Phantom, Chewy (for Chewbacca) and Munchkin. Chewy got the most votes. He loves his name.

I guess you can tell we're quite smitten with little Chewy. He has brought us much joy and it's wonderful having a little snugglebug.

It's hard to believe that he's actually a rescue dog. Your organization did a phenomenal job with these little ones. I can't thank you enough.



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Date Added
March 2, 2012