
This is a happy tail for a kitten, Calamity Jane.

My fiance and I adopted Calamity Jane on September 14th, 2008. I already had two adult cats but we wanted a new addition to the family. Although I'm an advocate of adopting adult cats since they typically are harder to adopt out, my fiance really wanted a kitten and we thought it would be easier for my adult cats to accept a young kitten.

We went to the shelter one Saturday morning and began looking for the right one. When we were considering which animals we might want, I had only one condition: I didn't want a tortie. However, the best laid plans always fall apart. Of all the kittens we saw that day, only one, Calamity Jane, called to our hearts and it turned out that she was a tortie! She was up on her hind legs meowing, attempting to get out of the cage. The shelter assistant informed us that she was the last of a litter of kittens...all her brothers and sisters had already been adopted. We asked to hold her and she immediately started purring! We knew then that she was the one.

We brought her home, renamed her Pixie, and she is now an integral part of our lives. She is, and has been since the day we brought her home, absolutely fearless! She has tons of energy and uses it to play fetch most of the time. We laugh that we wake up with her "toys" (twistie ties, cable ties and even a rabbit-foot key chain) scattered in the bedsheets where she has brought them while we're sleeping, in the hope that we'll play a game of fetch. Now Pixie is over a year old and we can't imagine our household before she came to disrupt it with her energy and charm!



Submit your own Happy Tail story and pictures.

Date Added
October 11, 2009