
Hi there,

On Monday I had to put my cat of 16 years to sleep due to illness. The entire family was devastated - especially my four-year-old son. Today we visited "the cat room" and adopted Leonora (now also known as Tiger). I just wanted to say thank you! We haven't even owned her for a full day and it's like she's been a part of the family forever. Such a sweet, playful, easygoing cat...and my son already loves her to pieces (we all do)!

Things are great! She's the queen of the house - like's she's been here forever. We're all crazy about her - including my other cat who is 13 years old and crotchety. :)

Update! My toddler has since renamed her: he wanted to call her "Tiger Hunts Fly," after watching her chase one around the house. We thought it would be best to shorten that to just plain "Hunter."

Again, I'm so happy we found her. We were so sad after putting our other (shelter) cat to sleep. We had him for 16 years and he was sick. Leonora was just what we needed around here! I always get my animals from shelters and I'm never disappointed!

Thanks again, Barb


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Date Added
August 8, 2009